Thursday, November 25, 2010

Astrology and family of like disciplines

Astrology -an inseparable part of the Indian lives. Here people, in general, more than themselves believe in their stars. Here astrologists, palmists and all other of the same creed, thrive as much as do the doctors. Rather at times people rather than consulting a doctor for some illness, prefer rather to consult an astrologist.
People believe in the powers of the celestial bodies. And that everything is governed by them. In fact, in Hindu mythology there are citations that these planets have proved their strength over gods even. Even the mightiest of all gods, Shiva, couldn’t ward off the harsh period of the planet ‘Saturn’.
Possibly this all may be true. But has anyone ever heard that planets ever changed their course that often and then how many times? The earth is inhabited by some six and a half billion of the human race itself and then there are millions of others too inhabiting earth from fiercest and wildest of the animals to invisible to naked eyes micro organisms. And what a havoc it would have been if the planets had to move as in accordance with everyone. Who knows. Or did they ever start revolving in some other direction? Don’t know about the rest but I never observed anything like that. But we have always heard people saying-
“Din kharab chal rahe hain”, even in the finest of weather.
“Grah kamzor hai”, even though we know that all the planets have their definite mass and we know that nothing is going to happen to happen to them even in some hundreds of years.
“Grah-Dasha kharab chal rahi hai”, as if it was not for some planet but some rickety bus which ruled Delhi in not very distant past.
“Grah-Dasha badal sakti hai”, of which we know that they had been in nearly the same orbit ever since they got burst out of the Sun.
And tha Saga continues. But the question is still there as firm as ever. Do planets in actual govern us and our lives. To which I would say ‘yes they do’.
An old and wise sage once equated energy and mass in just one seemingly simple equation. Einstein Baba gave E=m.c-squared. Following that sage’s words we know that energy varies directly with mass. And thus we could say that the planets like Jupiter and Saturn which are manifolds bigger in size and heavier in weight than mother earth, possess a magnanimous amount of energy and with this amount of energy they do exert some pull or force (as given by another wise sage of the modern sciences that we study, Newton in his theories of gravitation) pertaining to their mass. And thus neither the earth and nor any of the earthlings remain unaffected of it. Thus the reasoning for the stars and planets affecting our lives. But we know and are sure of the unity and synchrony of each of the heavenly bodies. Then how could they affect the lives of each of us so uniquely and so distinctly from each other’s. To this there arise two possibilities- one that celestial bodies just mould the path as in accordance to what moves an individual takes but to move and how and where to move is in each individual’s backpack. The other possibility is time whose might cannot be neglected either.
The energy and time together make work possible. This we know pertaining to our knowledge in physics and thus the events occur.
When staunch followers of the GOD process disapprove of some scientific reasoning, I laugh at them but when people who believe in science disapprove of GOD and yet show reason for every occurrence, they make me laugh even harder. For as I see neither science ever disapproved of GOD and neither GOD ever rejected any of the reasoning provided by science. In fact, both the phenomenon are so well cogged into each other that there arises a clear outlook to both and yet validating the each other without disapproving of one another.

The being of GOD phenomenon

Often it comes to head that this world: the world around, is so perfectly knit in itself. Every event is so perfectly cogged and driven. And yet remains the uncertainty of every moment.

Amidst all this there still remains a thought in the minds of many- “The human civilization has developed its spectrum of knowledge so much that it has found a reason to everything that there seems to be no space to the ‘GOD’ phenomenon.” Truly there seems nothing to justify the presence of GOD.

Let us begin with the very beginning. The beginning of life. A sperm fuses with an ovum and a zygote is formed which attaches to the mother’s womb for forty whole weeks, developing each moment to take up human form. And hence begins a new life. Crawling, peeing and pooping in beds. This new life takes up nutrition (by various means), grows and everything occurs as we study in our science textbooks at school. How a foreign body enters our well fortified body; to which at times we fall prey and fall ill. How medicines and vaccines work against them and how this biological framework is repaired. Everything has got a reason and purpose attached to it; whose knowledge could be accredited to the expertise that human race has achieved over science. The ageing also could simply be accredited to the shortening of DNA over and over again due to replication. This ultimately leads to death. And after death: well nobody came back to tell about the afterlife. Many people have many beliefs. But out of our knowledge and logic we know that this is how it is.

So where was the GOD in this whole process? When something that has to happen will eventually happen, and its occurrence has got a well justified reasoning to it in the modern world. So what this ‘GOD’ thing actually is. Is he ‘Shiv’ or ‘Jesus’? Or is he just a figment of imagination turned into staunch unparalleled and unrivalled belief? The thing is that well no one actually is sure of it. And I am sure that no one is sure of it. Because GOD is the only phenomenon, science has no reasons to.

Though no one has exactly known what his form is or could be. But he is and makes his presence felt. He is there and watching over us. He is the spark within; the driving force that leads to discoveries and inventions and philosophical outlooks. He is the desire to possess things and care for them. He is the hope that makes it easy to live even the harshest of circumstances. He is the calmness that the dead has. He is the charm that that a cradled one has. He is the gallop that the horses take. He is the sea whose tides rise and fade. He is everywhere-in you, in me. One may question- “Where in me? I am so much of a biological system.” He is in the strides that the human mind takes. He is in the mount of emotions it makes. Albeit he is the one who makes minds out of brain. Ignites the spark of synaptic impulses of the neurons.

Science gives reason to everything, but GOD is the cause to everything.

Remember, science and the best of human knowledge has reasons for how everything started but only the being of GOD makes it understandable.