Running running all hard,
I paced up so much
that even the mighty time, I surpassed.
And now that the cup of my being is empty
I can feel the pain in heart.
Come back O sun! and shine over me
The way you did,
when I was a kid.
Come back O wind ! And flow in my collar
The way you did when I was smaller.
I won everything, still I got nothing.
All I am left with is two cups
of happiness and spirituality
with nothing inside
no vitality, no functionality.
I want to be set free.
Free of everything, every worry.
The thought process is blocked
Perhaps the mind is clogged
Indeed clogged.
Soul drenched
Waiting for its thirst to be quenched.
Perhaps I want to get smaller again
Only bruised knees caused the pain
When with siblings; over a chocolate
were the fights we had.
And the strongest person known was-”MY DAD”
When the only known GOD was-”MY MUM”
But now,
What has become.
I want to go back to my kindergarten
where counting we knew was only till ten
when we made friends with one,
who were all neat and clean.
It was then all fun.
When we used to hide behind the pillow
to evade some frightening scene on a TV show.
Used to see “Tom & Jerry Show”
and giggled.
Used to escape grand-dad
Only because he would tickle.
I know,
Those days can never come back.
Only if they could be like shoes on rack,
I could always pick and live them
Whenever I felt low.
But then there is no repeat telecast show.
Only left with me is this-
This monotonous and treacherous life.
I wish,
The childhood would never have got over.
It would have been such a bliss.
My old days.
My happy days.
I loved life that ways.