Tuesday, February 23, 2010

life after death

As I have always maintained that the whole world is composed of energies- myriads of energies- which are either positive or negative. These energies which collectively constitute the nature, thus govern the cycle of life and death. When alive we are most beautiful perception. But still what we are composed of are energies. But when the biological clock stops ticking any further, the very essence of life, our soul, which also a form of rather huge in magnitudes form of energy. The soul goes back to the nature where it came from. Now the noticeable thing about soul is that it cannot be destroyed. This has been cited in every religion and belief. Now if we take a deeper plunge, it can neither be created. This is another citation for soul being energy because neither of the two can either be created or destroyed. The left behind, once the soul departs, is this body that we carry during whole of our life. Even this body is an accumulation of energies. We all know that this body composed of matter. And hence how this body goes back to the nature can also be understood by Einstein’s theory of relativity, E=mc2 which also comes to the rescue of the point that this body goes into the environment as energy. When we die this body is either incinerated on pyre or buried or by any other means is returned to the nature where it came from. According to Hindu mythology, the body disintegrates and merges with the five elements of life- air, water, fire, sky and the earth. Hence it is released into the nature as energy. Now many a religions have custom of burying the body into the earth. There also the body is fed by organisms of the soil and thus produce energy by their metabolic cycles. And similar is the case in all other forms of returning the body to the nature. Thus the life never ends it moves on. It may though change its media but then life is everlasting. All living forms, be it humans or animals, wish to remain immortal. And that is why they always want to leave a part of them into this world that would carry forward life or in deeper sense them. And hence making them immortal. Hence the life after death is again life. We never die. But we leave a form of us into the world to move on the cycle. What we lament would lament over is mere a body gifted to us so that we could home ourselves into a very well built and sophisticated outer covering. Life is immortal.

Disclaimer :: I do not intend to show any disgrace to anyone's belief about the same. I apologize if I did the same by this


  1. perfect combination of science and philosophy ...

  2. good ankit .......good writing future
    life is immortal

  3. thank you tanvi and thank you pragya...I am also thankful to saurabh who gave his best ov critiques that enlightened me and showed me the direction for any further of my blogs...thank you people.

  4. well written aki!!! awesome!!! simply gr8!
    n vry thoughtful!!! :) keep it up!! u'll go ahead!!!

  5. hey,ankit gr8 job n i thot tht u r quite close 2 da verity of lyf..........thts amazingly gud......keep it up bro

  6. thank you peejay and thank you ron...keep supporting me.

  7. wow....u hav given a new angle of luking at life....... :)
    "life after death is life itself" this ws best :) !!!

  8. well said!!.........kya soch h....wah wah!!....hehehe

  9. "soch" perhaps according to me is developed on the basis of how one one perceives events around and how one sees people reactin to it...thank you akanksha.. :)

  10. gud1 dude....
    nyc explanation of the....energy flow...
    its lyk we all knw all dis...but nvr really want to believe or think abt it....
    thnks 4 sharin all dis....
    keep rocking!!!

  11. thanx dude for ur support :)

  12. Very nice thought. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converts from one form to another and finally merges with the main source- Shomini
