Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Acute Assignmentory Disorder

I remember once when during my engineering days a lecturer asked for a particular assignment as it was supposed to be the submission day for the same.

Damn, I had almost forgotten about the assignment. It was to be submitted today and I haven’t even started it yet.

Those days I used to sit in the second last row. The coolest one as I thought, ‘cause there neither would the last bencher tag be associated with me, nor it would be close to the teacher. So it would make eating during the classes and in fact even dozing during the boring lectures quite comfortable. But that day don’t know how out of the blue, the lecturer started calling out roll number-wise.

‘Roll Number 1’
‘Not done ma’m’
‘Why? Your class has made it a routine. I wouldn’t allow you people to attend the my class now onwards. Till you get the permission from the HoD to do so. Now go out of my class.’

Fish! Permission from the HoD. And he’ll ring the parents.

‘Roll Number 2’
‘Yes Ma’m’
‘Keep it here’

I am gone now. He’ll call up mum-dad.

‘Roll Number 3’

Dad will cut short my allowances.
Mum is going to scold me.

‘Here it is ma’m’
‘Keep it here’

No money, No movies, No eating out.

‘Roll Number 4’
‘Not brought’

Oh my goodness, now I don’t have time even to copy it from someone. Why are they calling parents? It would have been just a routine if they wouldn’t have been ringing them.

‘Get out and get the permission from the Head to attend any of my next lectures’

I am ruined.

‘Roll Number 5’

Its nothing that great, but my parents. Who’ll make them understand?

‘Roll Number 5’

‘Haanh…yeas ma’m’
Where’s your assignment?’
‘I haven’t done’
‘Even you? Go out and get…’
‘Ma’m actually I have Acute Pulmunatory Disorder and I had an attack of it a few days back. So couldn’t do the assignment as I had to visit the doctor on the regular basis and he used to check my blood pressure and its viscosity and oxygen carrying capacity on a regular basis and was given the fumes of condensed oxygen with the other medicinal fumes.’

The lecturer as if skipped a breath. There was silence of the sea. Drop dead silence.

‘Okay then submit it in a week’s time’
‘Thank You ma’m’

‘Oye, is it?’ my friend sitting by my side said.
‘Is it? You think?’


  1. awesum !!! i didn kno dat u hv bcm a "writer" now ...really ur blogs r fantastic !!!

  2. thanks a ton rahul..but truly I am no writer..these are just a part of casual writings I do when free at times..I started putting there here just to have a record of them.
