Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Message in New Year

Its New Year time. Celebrations all around. I love celebrations. Only if I could be a part of them most of the time. But then perhaps, parties are not meant for me. I have lots of other stuff to do in life. I might be having. God has something for everyone. This might not be the right time, that’s it.
But then its new year and the spirit of new year tells you to keep moving, the celebrations won’t be far behind . It might just be that you are not taking the right step forward or may be you are not well directed.
New Year is to rejoice-whatever you are, who ever you are, wherever you are. Rejoice. For life comes only once and you cannot afford to let it all just get wasted in frowning or whining.
New Year comes for everyone- rich, poor; old, young; men, women and everyone. It never discriminates. So shouldn’t we. We must have compassion for every living soul, God had said and we must abide by it. New Year brings in new hope. And vows. A student hopes that he’ll excel in the year or that he might not fail again and will strive hard. A workman hopers that perhaps his pay will be hiked in the new year. Whatever and for who ever it be, new year comes with hope for everyone. Hope is life. So hope this new year be yours.

Jan 01, 2011

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