Tuesday, May 25, 2010

make me cry..

I want to cry
I want to cry
O Lord !!
Show me the extremities
of gloom and disparities
Even the more than I have got
For now even these
don’t give me a crying thought
I want to cry
For my eyes have gone dry
There’s no dream, no want,
No pleasant memoirs in them
That could make me fly
My soul’s all drenched; yet my eyes are dry
So I want to cry
Happiness had long left me
People continued bereft me
Leaving me alone
All by myself; to die
I want to cry
My brain and heart
have fallen apart
No thought to the brain
No emotion to the heart
They are filled with junk thoughts
all in plenty
Stinking like rotten pie
I want to cry
My heart bleeds
but no one sees
My brains are haunted
with death songs chanted
How long and how far
will I be tried?
It is long since I cried
Make me cry
Make me cry

Before I die
Save me
and make me cry

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